Renata Vladyka, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Andrii Sydor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Today, artificial intelligence is a large branch of computer science, the task of which is to create intelligent machines to perform tasks related to the use of human intelligence. The main purpose of creating artificial intelligence was to simplify the life of a person and free him from routine tasks, and the medical field in the direction of the use of artificial intelligence is not an exception. A number of developed countries of the world use artificial intelligence to increase the speed and accuracy of the diagnosis of many diseases. After the diagnosis is established, a personalized approach to the treatment of the patient is carried out. A complete medical history, the state of the body for a certain time – all this can be collected and structured by the artificial intelligence system. The data uploaded to the database will not remain unnoticed by the electronic brain and will be processed quickly. This will save doctors’ time, help establish an accurate diagnosis, and allow the necessary treatment to be prescribed in a timely manner. This is how a system called Watson Health works. It is able to identify potential problems with the vascular system, recognize cancer, and determine whether the patient is prone to thrombus formation. This artificial intelligence analyzed 20 million scientific articles on oncology in 10 minutes and based on them gave the patient the correct diagnosis [1]. Artificial intelligence is able to organize patient visits to a specialist, make a schedule, and redirect people from one queue to another. Therefore, to do everything so that the person is served faster, and the doctor is not overworked. Thus, the AI system, developed at the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Great Britain, helps to determine the arrival of a patient for an MRI. The artificial intelligence analyses general data about the person, including age and distance of their home from the hospital. Prediction accuracy is 85%. This allows you to plan procedures in such a way that precious time allocated for diagnosis is not wasted.It is impossible not to mention the well-known application “Apple Health” on iPhone or Apple Watch. Based on algorithms and developed additional functions capable of reading and analyzing your condition, the system can prevent a heart attack, and help monitor sleep and your general condition. During the coronavirus pandemic, artificial intelligence has become one of the most sought-after elements. Apple has launched a special site that helps diagnose early symptoms of the coronavirus by filling out a small questionnaire that analyses it. It is actively used to identify antidotes, medicine, and vaccine against coronavirus, cancer, and other serious diseases [2]. A wrong diagnosis usually has fatal consequences. But artificial intelligence can reduce the statistics of false assessments and diagnoses. It is in diagnostics, especially in the case of skin cancer, that artificial intelligence has already managed to prove itself as an extremely useful assistant to doctors. Recently, one study confirmed that a machine that was “trained” with many images of an extremely dangerous type of cancer was less wrong in detecting potentially dangerous melanomas than experienced dermatologists. Surgeons created a robot catheter that made its way to the necessary valve in the heart and performed the operation using machine-learning algorithms, artificial intelligence, and a camera. Algorithms allowed the robot to distinguish the type of tissue it was touching and where it should move to achieve its goal. Artificial intelligence was taught to recognize blood, the walls of the heart ventricle, and the aortic valve. The sensor also analyzed the force of pressure on the valve so that it does not damage the heart. The new catheter was tested during surgery on pigs with artificial aortic valves that require surgical intervention. The autonomous robot needed a little more time than the medic did, but overall the robot performed 89 successful operations out of 90. Today, we do not fully know the capabilities of artificial intelligence, but it already has the advantage of quickly processing large amounts of information. Artificial intelligence does not feel tired and has the ability to learn in any field. Based on data from analytical companies McKinsey and Forrester, it is safe to say that artificial intelligence will not be able to replace doctors fully in the future. One way or another, the system will require monitoring, training, and maintenance. Doctors were and will remain an important element in the field of health care. However, the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in medicine will help specialists to focus on honing their skills of interaction with people, conducting complex operations with unforeseen choices and developing new principles of service. References:
- A. N. Beecy, M. Gummalla, E. Sholle et al., “Utilizing electronic health data and machine learning for the prediction of 30-day unplanned readmission or all-cause mortality in heart failure,” Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 71–79, 2020.
- H. Thakkar, V. Shah, H. Yagnik, and M. Shah, “Comparative anatomization of data mining and fuzzy logic techniques used in diabetes prognosis,” Clinical eHealth, vol. 14, pp. 12–23, 2020.