INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE Nikoletta Szegfüová Abstract The aim of the article is to characterize industrial espionage using selected examples. The work deals with the definition of the term, points to the methods of information collection in the competitive environment of companies and defines the areas and threats that are most affected by this issue. Key…
Category: Volume 1, 2020
Volume 1, 2020
FOREWORD ABOUT SAFE HAZARD Peter Veselý Vždy, keď počujem slovo bezpečnosť, tak sa mi vynoria v myšlienkach žltobiele škodovky a žiguláky, seriál plný propagandy o dobrom vyšetrovateľovi – majorovi Zemanovi a jeho 30 prípadoch. Keď som v minulosti cestoval lietadlami, tak sa ma bezpečnosť priamo dotýkala. Toľko bezpečnostných opatrení, ktoré som musel absolvovať pri…
SOCIAL ENGINEERING Matej Piški Abstract The aim of the article is to introduce social engineering. What are its elements and why is it dangerous for us as individuals, but also for organizations. Key words: social engineering, security Abstrakt Cieľom článku je predstaviť sociálne inžinierstvo. Aké sú jeho prvky a prečo je nebezpečný pre…
Object recognition by convolutional neural network for multiple classes using lambda processes
Shamuratov Oleksii. Lviv Polytechnic National University Lviv, Ukraine Abstract: The developed architecture of a convolutional artificial neural network for object search is considered in the work. A feature of the development is the use of lambda architecture and saving neural network states in the data warehouse, which allows you to run the process of finding…